KRK5637 RR TR 1/16/18 6400682018KRK537 50K genotyped TMEM 1,4 275#
KRK8537 is sired by LDK16-01 and out of a really good production ewe. He’s sired 80 lambs so far and is passing on his very correct structure, feet and legs as well as thick muscling.
His young flock group won in Oregon. He took Supreme overall ram in 2 Oregon fairs
WWT 2.928 and PWWT 6.056 WFEC -57 PWFEC -29
KRK8674 RR 2/2/18 6400682018KRK674 50K genotyped TMEM 1,4 250#
KRK8674 is sired by one of my older rams, I like to retain some of the older genetics, he’s sired 19 lambs so far. He has good structure and is passing on some really nice growth and conformation to his lambs as well as some parasite resistance
KRK 18568 RR 1/24/21 6400682021KRK568 50K genotyped 105.03 Index 230#
WWT 3.18, TOP1% PWWT 7.758, MWWT 1.12, NLB 19, NLW 0.23, WFEC -23.3, SIRED 63 LAMBS
568 IS SIRED BY KRK 7107 and like his sire passes on a lot of growth and muscling, he’s got excellent feet and legs, important if you don’t want to have to trim hooves. He’s been passing on his deep red coloring